The Abundance Zone

This Simple Shift in Vibration Can Change How You Age.

Dr. Eve Delunas Season 1 Episode 31

We are bombarded with images and messages in our societies today about how we can expect to experience much mental and physical decline in our later years.

In the U.S., our airwaves are flooded with commercials showing us all the ways we can anticipate our bodies breaking down, and trying to sell us one pharmaceutical product after another to deal with the "so called" deterioration of our minds and bodies.

As a result, most of us have been subconsciously programmed to "expect the worst" as an inevitable part of growing old. This means our default mode is set for us to decline in old age. 

This is so much a part of our cultural mindset that most of us  don't think to question it. Yet, there are many good reasons to do so.

Discover what research has revealed about how our mindset impacts the aging process, and learn how to shift your vibrational frequency to experience optimal mental and physical wellbeing as you age.

For more information about how your unresolved past affects you and what to do about it, see  New Science, New Brain, New You,

For a private session contact me here.

****Sign up to receive the monthly Abundance Zone Newsletter and receive two FREE guided meditations:  Become Magnetic to What You Desire (16 min.) and Set A High Vibrational Path For Your Day (9 min.).

Intro Music: "Where the Light Is" by Lemon Music Studio.