The Abundance Zone

Do This to Improve Your Relationship With Your Body and Your Health.

Dr. Eve Delunas Season 1 Episode 25

Scientists now know that the cells of your body respond to your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and words.

This means your body is aware of when you are judging it or loving it, rejecting it or appreciating it.

And your thoughts, feelings, and expectations impact its functioning--even the functioning of your genes, according to recent research.

Your body thrives in the higher frequencies of love, gratitude, peace, and joy.

While spending just a few minutes feeling deeply grateful for something resets your physiology so your body is functioning optimally, spending our days amping lower frequency feelings of worry, stress, fear, frustration, or anger hampers the body's self-repair mechanisms, and weakens the immune system.

This means raising your vibration is one of the most important things you can do to restore and/or maintain health and wellbeing.

Learn what you can do to nurture and nourish your body so that it has the capacity to thrive!

****Sign up to receive the monthly Abundance Zone Newsletter and receive two FREE guided meditations:  Become Magnetic to What You Desire (16 min.) and Set A High Vibrational Path For Your Day (9 min.).

Music: "Where the Light Is" by Lemon Music Studio.